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Saturday, 14 July 2012

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire
Download A statement released on the band's Twitter newsfeed Arcade Fire Tube claims that Win Butler and co will put out the follow-up to their 2010 effort 'The Suburbs' in 2013The official release date or title for the album, however, has yet to be confirmed. Earlier this year (March 2), the Canadian band posted a new track online titled 'Abraham's Daughter', which you can listen to below.

The song was used in the Hollywood blockbuster The Hunger Games along with another track, 'Horn Of Plenty', which was written and recorded by the band's Win Butler and Regine Chassagne.NME

Arcade Fire released their debut album, 'Funeral', in 2004, with their second LP 'Neon Bible' following in 2007. 'The Suburbs', meanwhile – which was released in August 2010 – proved to be a great critical success after it was voted Best Album at the Shockwaves NME Awards 2011 in addition to winning the 2011 Polaris Music Prize, the Canadian equivalent of the UK's Mercury Music Prize.

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