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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Spring Offfensive

Spring OffensiveDownload
 is a group of five guys from Oxford that have a “hard to put your finger on” indie sound. As good as they sound, to us the lyrics are what make them stand out. We’ll be honest, typically we pay way more attention to the beat or the overall sound of a track than the words. With ‘Worry Fill My Heart’, which was released this month, we were bouncing between the two and completely into it until the end. For us the stabbing guitars grabbed our ears, and lyrics like “I never thought that, I’d end up in a job like this” kept us tuned in.
The interesting thing about Spring Offensive that we keep hearing is how much energy these guys bring to their live shows. Somewhat of a surprise given the laid back sound and video for ‘Worry Fill My Heart’. For now they are hanging out, touring England, but we have a feeling shows scheduled in the states are on the horizon

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