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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Pit Bull

Pit Bull
The competition between Walmart locations earned a boost from humor website Something Awful writers David Thorpe and Jon Hedren, who encouraged Twitter fans to vote for the Kodiak Walmart -- the chain's most remote location. Per Rolling Stone, the Alaskan town has a population of over 6,000 people -- or less than 10% of the contest's Facebook likes. The contest concluded July 16.

"I heard that Kodiak, Alaska, has the most likes due to someone that thinks he was playing a prank," the rapper said in an announcement video discussing the trip. "You gotta understand, I will go anywhere in the world for my fans… I want to invite that someone who thinks that it's a joke to Kodiak, Alaska, with me."Billboard

"Good news: I'll definitely go to Alaska with @Pitbull," Thorpe tweeted. "Bad news: I've been trying to grow a beard in preparation and it's NOT going well."

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